Welcome to the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare
The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL) is a Finnish civic organization that has worked towards the implementation of children's rights in Finland since 1920. MLL was the organization that established the first maternity clinic, created network of maternity and child welfare clinics troughtout the country, launched Home Aid operations and developed training and education in the field of childcare in Finland.
MLL is the largest child welfare organization in Finland and its nationwide central organization includes 10 district organizations.Every child is entitled to a good and happy childhood. The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare works to make this possible together with many other organizations, both public and private.
The Mannerheim League is an NGO and membership is open to everyone. It promotes the wellbeing of children and families with children, increases respect for childhood and seeks to make it more visible, ans sees that children's wievs are taken into account in public decision -making.
The Mannerheim League relies on partnerships. It works with numerous organizations, businesses and networks Finland and abroad. The League's Central Office in Helsinki cooperates closely with ministeries, officials and other organization while the district organizations and local associations operate on the regional level.
The league aims to ensure that
- children are equal members of society
- every chlid enjoys good and happy surroundings
- parenting and education are respected and supported
- volunteer work, helping, caring and joint responsibility increase